NC working centre:
not just a machine for wood cutting
We have been designing and building NC working machines to process wood since 1979: we have been doing this for years here, in our company in Thiene, with professionals in the sector, but above all with our customers, whose needs and objectives we listen to, and who are therefore one of our most important sources of inspiration.
In fact, the production of woodworking machines is not limited to the construction of a standard NC working centre, but rather to the construction of the appropriate machine to meet the production needs of the companies where it will be installed.
One NC working centre is not enough for us…
Here at Essetre, we produce many different 5-axis CNC working centres for all woodworking processes, also suitable for high material loads.
All our wood-cutting machines are designed to be customised and therefore adapt to the different processes required by companies: this leads to increased productivity and improved work efficiency. We manufacture NC machines for precise woodworking also on request of companies from specific sectors.
Would you like to know our working centres for wood processing? Click here!
Beyond the production of woodworking machines.
Building a machine to cut wood is not enough for us: we offer our customers more, such as customised solutions, innovation and case-based research, the high quality of Made in Italy and a long experience.
An Essetre NC working centre is truly unique, because we also produce customised and special machines based on current and future production needs.
Why choose an Essetre NC working centre?
Precision, durability, high quality materials, innovative construction methods, and experienced staff: these are the key points on which we rely to guarantee our customers long-lasting woodworking machines, together with our service, always present and punctual, even after the sale.