What are SIP panels? A versatile and convenient construction option for housing needs. What about frame walls? Let’s find out together the information and advantages of these structural elements and how our working centres are involved in their manufacture.
SIP: an affordable and solid choice.
SIP panels, or structural insulated panels, are a widespread construction solution in North America and Russia. In Italy, however, this technology is still not well known (preference is given to X-Lam or frame systems), but its use is increasing.
The distinctive feature of SIP panels is their sandwich composition, which uses expanded polystyrene and wood flake slabs. This combination allows construction costs to be cut by up to 30%, while offering considerable static and seismic resistance.
Building efficiency is guaranteed thanks to the prefabrication of the panels, that are ready for assembly.
The frame: a strong, insulated structure.
Frame walls are a construction method in which the bearing timber structure is integrated with stiffening and curtain wall elements.
They provide solidity and insulation.
The structure, consisting of twin-laminated wooden beams and posts, is covered with insulation materials such as rock wool, wood fibre or cork. Coat insulation ensures comfort in all seasons and excellent energy performance.
Techno Multiwall: a solution for woodworking in the construction industry.
Our Techno Multiwall is a strong and flexible NC working centre designed to process curved beams, X-Lam/CLT walls, SIPS walls and frame walls up to 6000 millimetres in width, 480 millimetres in thickness and unlimited length.

There are other working centres designed for this type of structure: click here!
Timber construction, the future.
Italy is third in Europe for the production of timber houses and the market is growing strongly (reaching a value of almost EUR 1.8 billion in 2021).
Wood is experiencing a real renaissance in the building industry, and construction types such as frame and X-Lam (or Cross-Lam or CLT) were introduced on the Italian market, and are achieving excellent post-application results.
Therefore, natural and environmentally sustainable buildings represent the future and we at Essetre are proud to be part of it with our working centres, which contribute to their realisation.