Techno Fast
The quickest and most versatile NC working centre for beam processing suitable for all needs.
The quickest and most versatile NC working centre for beam processing suitable for all needs.
The solid and compact working centre with fixed portal frame for carpentry elements.
Working centre with fixed portal frame for high production thanks to the two independent 5-axis operating units.
Revolutionary NC working centre covered by patents for the construction of wooden structures, roofs, beams and X-LAM / CLT walls.
Fast and flexible CNC working centre for milling, drilling and cutting operations on small sections.
Innovative and patented 6-axis NC working centre to process the beams on all 6 faces without the need to rotate them.
NC working centre with mobile portal frame to process frame walls, CLT/ X-LAM walls and curved beams
Powerful, versatile, precise and fast: the ultimate in beam and wall working centres.