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In one word: Essetre spirit

In each of our machines you can find the imprint of Giovanni Sella, Essetre founder.

But also the passion, the commitment and determination of the people who wear Essetre brand with the aim of building unique products thanks to an innovative technology already prepared for future challenges.

The motto is:


We are aware that the market is ever expanding and changing and that the protagonists are professionals and manager more and more informed and demanding.

This is why we focus on permanent investment concerning technological research and development, the keys to open the doors of a universe full of chances.

We believe in research and new technologies since we want to evolve, create more and more high-performing devices and ways of working, to allow every customer to produce much more, but above all much better and according to a human-centered mindset.

The chance to see first-hand even at your place.

Virtual interactive Showroom

We developed the First Virtual interactive Showroom: a 3D World dedicated to woodworking centres designed by Essetre.

The project is born to show our production lines by means of a real immersive experience in an environment where you could go inside and look at the technical features and functionality of our solutions.

Even at your place.

Discover the preview of the heart of our working way and of our company

Woodworking, research, technology, evolution, but above all each kind of solutions.

These are the “backbones” of Essetre, source of inspiration and great ideas.

From these backbones Essetre machines are made.

Like you, we never stop; since we are never satisfied, we want and can do much more and better.

Book your visit to the Essetre Virtual Showroom: click here