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How is the wood-furniture market doing? Prospects and Challenges for 2024.

At Essetre, we have been in the woodworking industry for decades: our working centres are ideal for the production of different elements used in construction, furniture, industry and others. Today we would like to share with you the latest trends and forecasts for the wood-furniture market.

We collected some data* to give you a complete overview. [*Fordaq data]

How was the first quarter of 2023?

In this period, the wood-furniture sector recorded sales for a total of EUR 2.5 billion.

The furniture sector, which represents more than 60% of total sales, recorded +3.2%. Sales increased both in the Italian market (+5.3%) and in the export market (+1.3%). However, it is important to note that this positive change is mainly influenced by price increases and less by an actual increase in volumes.

On the other hand, the wood macrosystem recorded a decrease of -10.5% compared to the same quarter of 2022. Sales in the Italian market decreased by -12.4%, while in international exports the contraction was -4.7%.

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How are the prospects for 2024? Positive!

In the future, furniture is expected to grow by +5% overall. Exports will perform better (+7.5%), while Italy will grow by +3.2%.

Despite the difficulties of 2023 in the wood sector, the Italian association FederlegnoArredo sees the future with optimism. In fact, for 2024 the wood macrosystem is expected to improve with positive exports at +4.7%.

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Challenges and opportunities for this year.

Made in Italy is therefore still an element of strength that Italian companies could use to their advantage for a sustained recovery.

Interesting for us at Essetre is also another theme: the website states that “even in 2023, the world of wood and wood-based technologies continues to boast an excellent performance in terms of trade balance, with a surplus of 1,665 million euro, 9.3 per cent more than in 2022; certainly one of the most significant results in the entire galaxy of machine tool production and an important contribution to the national data”.

If you would like to learn more about our NC woodworking centres or if you have any questions regarding our services, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here for you and together we can create solutions specifically customised to your needs.

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